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One of the Good Source Material
One of the Good Source Material
==Failed Attempts with Blender==
Import into BLENDER
Must make sure BLENDER and Python version 2.5.2 (VERY SPECIFIC!) are installed (32 version is fine. MUST NOT BE PORTABLE VERSIONS!).
Must set BLENDER SCRIPT directory.
Change WINDOW type (in Python) (there are THREE major windows panels, each can be many types: Script, Timeline, 3D View etc etc...) to USER PREFERENCES FIRST. Make sure The three panels are NOT one line thin or else it will hide other settings. (this is what I hate about blender, UBER unintuitive interface). THen set the PYTHON SCRIPT DIR to a temporary folder somewhere on the HDD.
That's where you should also save the file from HERE: [http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/Blender_Exporter]
Once you saved the files there, Change Window Type in Python to SCRIPT. Click the error if it is pointing RIGHT. When it's pointing DOWN, it will show SCRIPTS. Click on that. Top bar, "update menu".
Now, if you go to export, you should see "OGRE meshes" as an option. .
Once specified, you can save the files somewhere.
you may get .mesh.xml files which require more processing to .mesh file!
This is achieved via OgreXMLConverter which you can get here. "realXtend Export Tools"

Revision as of 14:04, 31 July 2009

realXtend Final Production Cycle:

Label the structure (Amira)

This step is done usually by the grad students For more information on how exactly it works, please consult with articles related to Amira segmentation

Surfgen the structure based on the labels produced (Amira)

This step is also done in Amira. Make sure the surface count is not too high and somewhere under a million. [Triangle reduction]

Save surface files as OBJ file format (Amira)==

Click the green surface module that is produced to select it, and click "File" and then "Save data as" to save it as as a Wavefront Obj file format. Make sure you pay close attention to the extension of the file you save as!the recommended format is wavefront (.OBJ) or open inventor (.IV) format. More commonly, OBJ is the most more friendly format with 3-D editing software.

OBJ file must then be converted to OGRE Mesh format. To achieve this, the current best documented methodology is to use Maya and its OGRE exporter. All other route seems to require production of MESH.XML which takes another extra step to produce MESH and so far have not produced very good result. Hence, it is RECOMMENDED to use Maya's Mesh exporter.

Import and Export from 3D Processing Software

Maya 2008 (32 bits on 64bits system)

Import .obj into Maya 2008 (32 bits)

First make sure you have installed Maya OGRE exporter.

Then you need to open OBJ into Maya using the IMPORT option in Maya. Once imported, and maya exporter already installed, you can just click on the OGRE menu item and hit proceed with the export process. Make sure you specifies the DIRECTORY and the FILE NAME of the MESH file that you are trying the export. So far, I have not explored too much into how to export material and skeletons etc. I am mainly focused on getting the structural information.

Post Export Processing

This is a simple alignment process. Once you acquired MESH file, you can directly import into realxtend already but the end result is usually with a large displacement (eg. X 132m Y 152m shift)

To fix that issue, realxtend developers have released a very powerful and simple tool that fix the issue called rexTool. You may be able to get a copy of this from here

simply drag the ".Mesh" file into RexMestTool and follow the section of this guide on how to tweak in RexMeshTool.

Import .OBJ into Cinema 4D (32bits?64bits?)

Follow the guide here

Import from Sketchup

Follow the guide here here or here.

Import into realXtend

Create an instance and instanticate the OGRE mesh file into realXtend==

One of the Good Source Material http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=625&ad=02anatomy_design.php&count=count